Quasi - Mother

Quasi - Mother cover art
The first full skateboarding video from the Quasi team, 'Mother' features the skateboarding of Justin Henry, Tyler Bledsoe, Josh Wilson, Jake Johnson, Al Davis, Dick Rizzo and Gilbert Crockett. Edited by Chad Bowers, Will Rosenstock and Paul Young Directed by Chad Bowers Filmed by Will Rosenstock and Paul Young


The Langley Schools Music Project - Band on The Run
Justin Henry Intro: 
Psychic TV - Issue Three (Part 3)
Justin Henry: 
Psychic TV - Godstar
Tyler Bledsoe: 
Frank Zappa - Sleeping In A Jar
Winter Interlude: 
Sol - The Box Car
Josh Wilson: 
Kate Bush - Moving
Dick Rizzo #1: 
Portishead - Pedestal
Dick Rizzo #2: 
A-Butta & L-Swift - Freestyle (Stretch & Bobbito)
Gilbert Crockett: 
Alan Vega & Revolutionary Corps of Teenage Jesus - America
Arthur Russell - Instrumentals Vol. 1